
Hey, there! I’m Mica. Welcome to my corner of the web.

Hey, Mica is a passion project. I don’t have a niche unlike what professional bloggers suggest.

Anne Frank had her notebook and pen, and I, I have this site. This is where I’ll share my everyday experiences as I navigate through life as a 30-something woman raising her family, taking care of herself, earning a living—while trying to stay on top of everything.

What you can expect to read here…

Health and Fitness: I’m that sporty sister/friend. I’m a big proponent of taking care of our health.

Parenting: I’ve only been on it for one year and a few months, and I can say that D and I are doing fairly well raising Little O.

Freelancing: I’ve been freelancing for four years, and I don’t think I’ll go back to the office. Who knows?

Personal Development: I’m a believer in kaizen or constant and never-ending improvement.

Books: I’m not the bookworm who reads fiction stories. I’m the bookworm who reads personal development and business books.

Thank you for dropping by, and I hope you learn something from me.