Life lately… Life updates from March to May

It’s been awhile since I’ve written something. I write some things for work, but mostly with the help of ChatGPT or Gemini. Now, I’m ready to go back to writing!

Life lately…

I’ve been trying to write a monthly recap since last year, but then there will be months when I don’t write anything. My last monthly recap was for February. 

This post will be about the things that have happened to me from March to May!


Holy Week Vacation

D, Little O, D’s sister, D’s best girl friend, her boyfriend, and I went to Laguna for the holy weekend. We went there on Saturday and left the next day. While in Laguna, an old client (from 2022) sent me a message asking if I still offered the same services. I didn’t want to grab the opportunity, but being me, I responded and I worked with him for a month. From April 10 to May 10, I earned about $800. Unfortunately, he had to stop my services because business was slow.


Les Mills

I subscribed to a new Fitness app! It’s more expensive than freeletics, but my second sister and I have fun when we do the BodyCombat workouts. Plus, I want to build some muscles with their BodyPump program. Almost two months in, I can say that Php 7,000 is worth it! 

Also, in addition to BodyCombat and BodyPump, I’ve also started a new program – from the Les Mills app, too – it’s Sh’Bam! A dancing workout. I want to learn how to dance.

Cat Scratch UGHHHH

D brings out the trash before he sleeps, so that’s around 5AM. One weekend, he brought it out in the afternoon and that night dogs sniffed around the bags and ripped it off, scattering Little O’s diapers in front of the house! My dad, who felt embarassed of having such a messy front, asked me to clean it the morning after. I told him I’ll wait for my second sister to watch over Little O, so I can start cleaning it up. His patience got the best of him and voluntereed to watch over Little O. Maybe Little O was a bit playful, so he brought Little O to my second sister. 

After I swept the diapers outside, I washed my hands, got my coffee, and went to my second sister’s house. I sat on the chair, brought my legs up, and got Little O – while holding my coffee. 

Suddenly this cat jumped on my legs. It startled Little O, so she pushed the cat away. The cat didn’t expect to be pushed, so he clung unto my things with his sharp claws. I felt his claws deep into my thighs, it would be an exaggeration (or maybe half truth) if I say that the claws got half inch deep in my thighs. Anyways, as an effect of this jumping-pushing-clinging to my thighs, I spilled my coffee on Little O! Good thing it wasn’t hot anymore. A lot can really happen in a quick second.

I didn’t have HMO, so I was hesistant whether I’d go for a rabies shot or not, but then I remembered – if I brought Little O for a rabies shot when she was scratched by a neighbor’s clean cat before, why shouldn’t I – the mother, the carer – be taken care of too? So, I got rabies shots for the next four weeks.

Helper Arrived

Our old household helper, Ate Vi, arrived on April 20th! I didn’t expect she’d go back, but she’s back! Now, I have more time! I just need to use my time wisely. I still don’t think I’m making the most out of my free time. But Little O and I got back to doing our daily activities.


I’ve started an unofficial homeschool for Little O. We’re on our fourth letter this week (Letter F). I don’t want to pressure her, so I’m making it as fun as possible, and only a few minutes each day.

Tarot Reading

I’ve stopped practicing (or learning) because I didn’t have time for it, but now I’m slowly getting back to it. I’m listening to Between the Worlds podcast which discusses the symbolism, numerology, and meaning of each card. As of this writing, I’m on XI: Justice. 


I bought myself something expensive – a pair of RayBans! I bought it not for aesthetic (ie. fashion sense) but for its purpose of protecting my eyes. It’s one of those rare expensive purchases.


I finally gave in! My first sister has influenced me to start an expensive hobby – scrapbooking! I haven’t actually started, but I’ve bought the initial materials needed like papers, photopapers, and ephemera.

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