March 2023 Recap

I’ll try to recall everything that has happened last month because March was quite a long month.


I met with two friends: Faye, my RareJob friend and Mel, my UP friend.

Wedding Planning

Since May 5, 2023 is nearing, I’ve been doing more wedding preps.


When Mel and I met at SM Mega Mall, I had a gown fitting. Or how would I say it? The staff measured my body, so they can customize the size according to my body measurements. I still don’t know what I’ll wear with it, but right now I’m eyeing on wearing a pair of white Keds.


Sometimes social media ads are helpful! I found our budget-friendly photographer through Instagram ads.


We’ve also ordered our wedding rings, but it’s D’s responsibility! The other wedding preps duties are mine alone (of course some with his insights).


Medical Condition

I had multiple auras as well that’s why I consulted with my neurologist on March 4. She adjusted one of my evening meds (from 300mg to 450mg) and advised me to undergo an EEG. I had the EEG on March 12 (if I remember correctly). I was supposed to have it a week earlier but I suffered from migraine. I was unable to work for two days.

Despite the medicine adjustment and a normal EEG, I was still having auras. I went for a follow up checkup on April 1, and had my one of the meds adjusted again (now from 450mg to 600mg). Seeing the “600mg” on the prescription was quite scary. Would I be seeing 1000mg soon? I hope not.



In a previous post, I talked about quitting Freeletics but guess what – I’m back to doing it! I didn’t expect to be doing it again, but well, I ate my words. The original reason I considered doing Freeletics again was superficial. One of the Freeletics ambassadors, Unjani, was fit as hell – considering she was on the heavier side before doing Freeletics. I envied her four-pack abs. I tried to defend my wanting to subscribe to “maybe that’s why my auras are more frequent because I don’t have “good stress” in life. Plus, it was 50% OFF! Who can say no to that? I had a hard time deciding and D’s comment “You need some exercise like Freeletics, too” was the one the deciding factor. So, I subscribed and joined a 6-week training program. Here’s to hoping I’m ripped AF on my wedding day!


I still doing Yoga of course. I try to do Freeletics thrice a week and Yoga as a recovery “workout” after Freeletics day.


My March habit tracker is a mess! There were days that I missed tracking, oh well. I’m trying to do better this April though.


My sister thinks that I may be having frequent auras because I spend too much time in front of the computer. Because of that I’m considering a career that doesn’t require me to sit all day long (read with exaggeration) on my desk. Right now, I’m considering becoming an HMO agent and try my hand at sales.


Still reading Your Money, Your Life *oops* but I did finish The Whole-Brain Child by Dan Siegel.

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