Books I Plan to Read in 2023

“The more you read, the more things you know. The more things you know, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

I couldn’t agree more with Dr. Seuss’ quote. If it weren’t for reading books, I wouldn’t learn how to manage my health, money, and relationships. Books are simple things that can make a significant difference in one’s life.

I didn’t keep track of the books I read this year, so starting today, I’m keeping track of the books I plan to read in the coming year.

I read non-fiction books because of my never-ending desire to improve. I never had a liking for fiction books because as a person who had a scarcity mindset, buying books you’ll read once just doesn’t make sense. But with non-fiction books, you can read them over and over again.

PS: My scarcity mentality ended just this year because of one of the books here!


★ Books I’ve read more than once and still plan to reread them

☆ Books I didn’t get to finish and plan to finish this 2023

✔ New books I want to read

❑ Books I want to read but can forego

2023 Book List

Books Related to Parenting

Call me a nerd parent or a theoretical parent, but it doesn’t hurt to be informed. Because parenting is an unpredictable roller coaster ride, the things these psychologists write here may not be always be applicable in real life. However, gaining knowledge and insights can still be helpful.

★ Einstein Never Used Flash Cards

☆ Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child

☆ The Whole Brain Child

Books Related to Health and Fitness

I read few books about health and fitness because video and audio content are better for me, but this book here is an interesting one.

✔ The Blue Zones Solution

Books Related to Wealth

Money is a tricky subject. You know that it’s not the be-all and end-all, but you know how important it is especially with the economic woes everyone is experiencing since the pandemic and Ukrain-Russia war started. Right now, I have these two conflicting books on the list, but I may add more “serious” financial literacy books here.

★ Your Money or Your Life

★ Die With Zero

Books Related to Habits/Personal Development

The ones I finished here are the books I call “Essentials”. These are the books I read from time to time. The books that help me become a better person.

★ The Compound Effect

★ Atomic Habits

★ Essentialism

★ The 12 Week Year

★ Breaking the Power of Being Yourself

☆ Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience – finished January 31, read it here.

☆ The Now Habit

★ The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Books Related to Freelancing, Career, Entrepreneurship

I’ve limited my personal development books to the essentials because I want to focus on reading books that will help me scale my freelancing career. And these are the books that I believe will help me.

★ Key Person of Influence

✔ The 1-Page Marketing Plan

✔ This is Marketing

✔ $100M Offers

★ Building a Story Brand

✔ Copywriting Secrets

☆ Secrets of Closing the Sale

★ Building a Story Brand

✔ Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

✔ The Way of the Wolf

✔ Traction

Though I have a list here, I know there will be some books that will lure me into reading them. But I do wish to finish all these 25 (plus a few more books) next year. Also, I’m thinking of starting a book club for freelancers/creative entreprenuers. Anyone interested?

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